Tuesday, October 23, 2007



June 20th. So much has happened since then. Wasn't the best of summers. That is for sure. My father started his radiation and chemo, which he has since finished. He is now dealing with the fallout from that. He is doing okay, though and has managed to work throughout the entire process and is handling things in his usual quiet, graceful style. I so admire him.

On the day of June 20th, one of my best friends since high school, had an aneurysm. She remained in a coma for almost two weeks until her family had her removed from life support. It was such a brave decision for them, but she would not have wanted to live in the condition they were predicting for her. She was an amazing daughter,sister, wife and mother and friend. She left behind a wonderful husband and three fantastic daughters. And "The Coven" as my husband affectionately refers to our group of girls who all have been friends since high school, was dealt a major blow. We have all yet to be together again since the services, and not sure when we will be. I think about her at least once a day and not sure when I will ever fully comprehend that I will never speak to her. It is very difficult as the Holidays approach, as she loved them all and went above and beyond to celebrate them with everyone. Devastating.

In better news, I am 21 weeks pregnant and doing very well. This was huge for us, as we have had so many problems conceiving and maintaining a pregnancy in the past two years. I truly believe that my friend mentioned above has had so much to do with this, as she knew how badly we wanted this, and it does seem a tinge coincidental that we have had success, since she is no longer with us physically, but I do believe she is helping guide this. So on March 8th or around then another child, god willing, will be joining our family. It should be some interesting times ahead for us and our 3 year old daughter. But looking forward to every minute of it!

Oh, and I absolutely hate my job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Back soon!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Belated Fathers Day

I feel completely horrible that I did not make time on Sunday to wish my amazing husband and Father a Happy Father's Day and to all the other wonderful fathers out there. My husband is such an incredible father. He truly shines with our daughter and it really warms me to see them in action. This goes the same for my father, who in light of his recent cancer diagnosis, continues to be his usual selfless, hardworking self. He has always been there for us and always put his family first. I know he will battle this cancer for himself, but I know my mother, and my siblings(and our families) and my daughter will be behind his determination to fight. So to the two most important men in my life..Thank you for all you do and continue to do every day. I love you both very much.

Friday, June 15, 2007


Why do I feel so compelled to be in Texas? I have never been there. I have read about it, viewed pictures of it, watched television programs and movies based there and I feel like I should be there. I would never move away from my family, but these thoughts constantly creep in my head. Maybe a vacation there one day is in order and it will pacify me. My husband does not understand it. He thinks I am so far from a Texan, and he is probably right, but I just always have this nagging desire. Maybe my daughter will go to college there one day, and I will get my fill of it. Though I think she will be headed to Wyoming. She loves nothing better than wide,open spaces!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Can I just say how much I love Target? You cannot beat their prices and I love the quality of their items. I barely ever go to the Mall, since we moved closer to the Target. A big plus, is the amount of cashiers they have open at one time. Its wonderful. Even if you are waiting in line, it moves so quickly. I just had to jot a quick note about this and expound on its virtues! I mean where else are you going to be able to spend only $3.00 on Purex and $4.00 on a nice pair of shorts at the same time? Well..maybe Wal-Mart, but their cashier situation is never good and I have waited in line there upwards to 20 minutes. I LOVE TARGET!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Potty Training

I never in my wildest dreams imagined how excited I would be to see a child urinate in a tiny commode. My daughter embarked on this wonderful journey starting on Friday, and you would have thought she was accepting her first Oscar award, the way my husband and I reacted! And I think there may be a touch of the acting bug in her genes. Bribery has not worked with her, but she just seemed to bask and come alive in the adulation and ovations that my husband and I presented her with! Nothing like a little taste of applause! Anyhow, we have a long road ahead of us, but at least she has started! I would not have pushed this, except that she needs to be trained for pre-school, which is quickly approaching in the next few months, which is just amazing to me. I feel like it was yesterday, when I changing those tiny,tiny little diapers. Its such a conflicted feeling. I love every new thing she does each day, and her vocabulary just amazes me, but at the same time, I miss that little baby girl who curled up in my arms and was totally dependent on me. Before I had her, I was never much of an infant person. I was very tentative and nervous around them. That has certainly changed. I would love to be able to experience that again and I would certainly savor it more this time, knowing how quickly it goes.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Just Trying Out


Okay. I will be back when time allows and I compose my thoughts.